Sunday, December 18, 2011


GREETINGS fellow foodies!! Tis the season to be jolly!! I love this time of year when everyone is predominantly giving! So... it only seems right for me to continue to pay it forward and give another FREE giveaway!!! What more will make us all happy this time of year than some FREE food. (As long as it's your first time dining at the restaurant) Same rules apply..You MUST be a follower by clicking on "Join the site," and leave a comment on this post with your name. I would greatly appreciate it if you all could REPOST my link!! In return, you will receive details on a free dinner in San Diego with all you can eat lobster, oysters,crab, mussels, sushi, sausages, pizza, soup,salad, and just everything you can possibly think of putting in thy belly. And if you have a sweet tooth....I promise you will not be let down with their endless dessert bar, which I swear has the biggest variety I've seen at a buffet. A value at around $30 a do not want to miss out. I've personally already eaten here and already have plans to go back again. If you have a celebration coming up..wouldn't it be nice to have your whole party eat for free?? Well here's your chance..Again, it's only free if it is your first time here. Winner announced Christmas day! START JOINING AND REPOSTING!!!
There seems to be a problem with previous members being visible on my homepage. Sorry for any inconvenience but PLEASE try to join again. If you still have any problems, try to leave a comment or email me at THANKS THANKS AND THANKS!!!

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